
Hello Everyone!  This is my first blog post.  I’m so happy to have started this.  I’m hoping that what I experienced and am experiencing will be of some help to others out there.  I’m a career oriented woman.  One that works hard and loves hard.  Today’s blog is about changes.  WOW…changes.  Who of us have experienced a lot of changes this year 2017?  My hand is the first raised.  To give you a back drop, I have lost two family members sixty days apart.  My uncle first, my aunt second.  Because I was unable to make it to my uncle’s funeral, I lost about 7 family members, three of which I was VERY close to, or so I thought.  I lost the closeness of a relationship I cherished.  I lost who I thought was my best friend.  And one that I hoped would become my best friend.  Whew!  That took a lot of energy just typing it up.  Try going through it and thinking about the losses.

There is a song by William Murphy the III.  He’s a singer.  He has a song called changes.  His lyrics are as follows, Everything was going right, the prime of my life.  I was doing the best I ever done, ever did, then I started going through changes, And all of a sudden my days were not as bright I was asking Lord, what in the world is going one.  Then I heard the song, say you going through changes, you say you wanna change, but in order to change, you gotta go through some changes.  WOW!  Guys this is something else.  Yes this is exactly what I have been experiencing and are experiencing, what about you?

I have to say that things and people have been taken away from me, and I have seen better things put in place of those things.  I have to say.  I can’t say that it did not hurt me to know and to see that these things and people that I loved and cared about snatched away from me and no matter what I said, thought, and felt.  It didn’t matter, they were gone.  I’m dealing though.  I cannot say that I don’t think of the changes that I have experienced because I do.  But I am honestly dealing a lot better than I anticipated.  I know it is because God is helping me.  But can I be transparent to all of my Karmelli’s out there?  Transparency is the key to healing.   I have had some help with depression medication too.  I don’t plan of being on this forever.  My thoughts right now is just one year.  But if the Creator of the Universe says, nope let it go….then guess what? Then that is what I am going to have to do.

I want to hear from you all.  What changes have you found yourself going through?  How are you dealing?






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